Online Recruiting System for Research Participants

 Sign up
Privacy policy


To participate in online surveys or experiments, register in our database using this online recruitment system. Below is a summary of how it works and our privacy policy.

  • STEP 1 - Register.
    Sign up to receive invitations to participate in experiments or surveys. It is quick and easy, and we only need your name and email address. Due to auditing requirements, it is very important that you use your legal name and only register once. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.

  • STEP 2 - Receive Invitations.
    Check your inbox for email invitations to participate. Invitations will provide information about the experiment or survey, including available times and days, how long it will take, how much you can earn, eligibility, etc. You can accept the invitation and participate, or you can wait for future invitations.

  • STEP 3 - Participate.
    If you choose to participate, just follow the link in the invitation to sign up. For experiments, you may have a choice of alternative times/days.

    By signing up, you are committing to participate. Researchers and the other participants depend on everyone showing up on time and participating. If you are late or leave early, you may lose the opportunity and forgo any potential earnings.

    In some cases, the session may have too many participants. If you are turned away, you will be paid a show up fee and given priority on subsequent sessions.

    During the experiment or survey, you will read instructions or questions on a computer screen and make decisions using the keyboard or mouse. Your participation is voluntary, and you will not face any physical risks and any non-physical risks beyond those in daily life (e.g., making simple decisions, using computer, etc.). You are expected to follow the rules described by the experimenter. If you are disruptive, you will be asked to leave without payment.

  • STEP 4 - Receive Payment.
    For in-person experiments, you will be paid in cash immediately at the end of the experiment. For online surveys/experiments, you will be paid electronically. For experiments, earnings vary depending on decisions made during the experiment, but the average earnings for a typical experiment is about $20 per hour. The invitation will provide details on the expected expected earnings, time requirement, and payment methods.

    1. In rare cases, the experiment may be cancelled. If this occurs, we will send an email to let you know.
    2. If you realize, after signing up, that you are unable to make it, contact the administrator as soon as possible so we can find a replacement.
    3. Failure to show up without warning harms other participants. After three 'no shows', you will be ineligible for future experiments.

For questions please contact